Kamis, 13 Desember 2018


Suatu hari saya berjalan2 di salah satu sudut kota Jogjakarta, menelusuri sepanjang trotoar, langkahku terhenti pada sebuah becak terparkir didepanku, duduk didalamnya adalah sang empunya, aku perhatikan beliau sedang asik membuka tas kresek berwarna putih, beberapa lembar uang kertas ternyata isinya, tangan renta itu mulai menghitung lembar demi lembar rupiah yang didapat hari ini.

Jumat, 13 Februari 2015

Senin, 02 Februari 2015

Loro Blonyo is a couple of bride and room statue, dressed in traditional Javanese clothes, kneeling and sitting side by side. Loro Blonyo statue has a sacred meaning for Javanese traditional society.
The symbolic-philosophical meaning of loro blonyo sculpture art in Javanese cultural cosmology is as the symbol of fertility (Dewi Sri) and prosperity (Sadana). Both of them is believed by the Javanese society as something really desired.
Loro blonyo is representative of family life between husband and wife as beautiful relationship in harmony.
Loro Bonyo Production seeks to preserve the Javanese culture, and the legacy of history that can be touched like temples, heritage, music, etc, and which can not be touched in the form of local wisdom.